import os import random import torch from torch import nn, Tensor, optim from torch.nn import CrossEntropyLoss from import DataLoader from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter from torchvision.datasets import CIFAR10 from torchvision.models import ResNet from torchvision.models.resnet import BasicBlock from torchvision.transforms import transforms, InterpolationMode from tqdm import tqdm from lars_optimizer import LARS from scheduler import LinearWarmupAndCosineAnneal CODENAME = 'cifar10-resnet50-aug-lars-sched' DATASET_ROOT = 'dataset' TENSORBOARD_PATH = os.path.join('runs', CODENAME) CHECKPOINT_PATH = os.path.join('checkpoints', CODENAME) BATCH_SIZE = 256 RESTORE_EPOCH = 0 N_EPOCHS = 1000 WARMUP_EPOCHS = 10 N_WORKERS = 2 SEED = 0 OPTIM = 'lars' LR = 1 MOMENTUM = 0.9 WEIGHT_DECAY = 1e-6 random.seed(SEED) torch.manual_seed(SEED) device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') class CIFAR10ResNet50(ResNet): def __init__(self): super(CIFAR10ResNet50, self).__init__( block=BasicBlock, layers=[3, 4, 6, 3], num_classes=10 ) self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False) def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: x = self.conv1(x) x = self.bn1(x) x = self.relu(x) x = self.layer1(x) x = self.layer2(x) x = self.layer3(x) x = self.layer4(x) x = self.avgpool(x) x = torch.flatten(x, 1) x = self.fc(x) return x def get_color_distortion(s=1.0): # s is the strength of color distortion. color_jitter = transforms.ColorJitter(0.8 * s, 0.8 * s, 0.8 * s, 0.2 * s) rnd_color_jitter = transforms.RandomApply([color_jitter], p=0.8) rnd_gray = transforms.RandomGrayscale(p=0.2) color_distort = transforms.Compose([ rnd_color_jitter, rnd_gray ]) return color_distort train_transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.RandomResizedCrop(32, interpolation=InterpolationMode.BICUBIC), transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(0.5), get_color_distortion(0.5), transforms.ToTensor() ]) test_transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor() ]) train_set = CIFAR10(DATASET_ROOT, train=True, transform=train_transform, download=True) test_set = CIFAR10(DATASET_ROOT, train=False, transform=test_transform) train_loader = DataLoader(train_set, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, num_workers=N_WORKERS) test_loader = DataLoader(test_set, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=False, num_workers=N_WORKERS) num_train_batches = len(train_loader) num_test_batches = len(test_loader) resnet = CIFAR10ResNet50().to(device) criterion = CrossEntropyLoss() def exclude_from_wd_and_adaptation(name): if 'bn' in name: return True if OPTIM == 'lars' and 'bias' in name: return True param_groups = [ { 'params': [p for name, p in resnet.named_parameters() if not exclude_from_wd_and_adaptation(name)], 'weight_decay': WEIGHT_DECAY, 'layer_adaptation': True, }, { 'params': [p for name, p in resnet.named_parameters() if exclude_from_wd_and_adaptation(name)], 'weight_decay': 0., 'layer_adaptation': False, }, ] if OPTIM == 'adam': optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(param_groups, lr=LR, betas=(MOMENTUM, 0.999)) elif OPTIM == 'sdg' or OPTIM == 'lars': optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(param_groups, lr=LR, momentum=MOMENTUM) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Optimizer '{OPTIM}' is not implemented.") # Restore checkpoint if RESTORE_EPOCH > 0: checkpoint_path = os.path.join(CHECKPOINT_PATH, f'{RESTORE_EPOCH:04d}.pt') checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path) resnet.load_state_dict(checkpoint['resnet_state_dict']) optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer_state_dict']) print(f'[RESTORED][{RESTORE_EPOCH}/{N_EPOCHS}]\t' f'Train loss: {checkpoint["train_loss"]:.4f}\t' f'Test loss: {checkpoint["test_loss"]:.4f}') scheduler = LinearWarmupAndCosineAnneal( optimizer, WARMUP_EPOCHS / N_EPOCHS, N_EPOCHS * num_train_batches, last_epoch=RESTORE_EPOCH * num_train_batches - 1 ) if OPTIM == 'lars': optimizer = LARS(optimizer) if not os.path.exists(CHECKPOINT_PATH): os.makedirs(CHECKPOINT_PATH) writer = SummaryWriter(TENSORBOARD_PATH) curr_train_iters = RESTORE_EPOCH * num_train_batches curr_test_iters = RESTORE_EPOCH * num_test_batches for epoch in range(RESTORE_EPOCH, N_EPOCHS): train_loss = 0 training_progress = tqdm( enumerate(train_loader), desc='Train loss: ', total=num_train_batches ) resnet.train() for batch, (images, targets) in training_progress: images, targets =, resnet.zero_grad() output = resnet(images) loss = criterion(output, targets) loss.backward() optimizer.step() scheduler.step() train_loss += loss.item() train_loss_mean = train_loss / (batch + 1) training_progress.set_description(f'Train loss: {train_loss_mean:.4f}') writer.add_scalar('Loss/train', loss, curr_train_iters + 1) curr_train_iters += 1 test_loss = 0 test_acc = 0 test_progress = tqdm( enumerate(test_loader), desc='Test loss: ', total=num_test_batches ) resnet.eval() with torch.no_grad(): for batch, (images, targets) in test_progress: images, targets =, output = resnet(images) loss = criterion(output, targets) _, prediction = output.max(-1) test_loss += loss test_loss_mean = test_loss / (batch + 1) test_progress.set_description(f'Test loss: {test_loss_mean:.4f}') test_acc += (prediction == targets).float().mean() test_acc_mean = test_acc / (batch + 1) writer.add_scalar('Loss/test', loss, curr_test_iters + 1) curr_test_iters += 1 train_loss_mean = train_loss / num_train_batches test_loss_mean = test_loss / num_test_batches test_acc_mean = test_acc / num_test_batches print(f'[{epoch + 1}/{N_EPOCHS}]\t' f'Train loss: {train_loss_mean:.4f}\t' f'Test loss: {test_loss_mean:.4f}\t', f'Test acc: {test_acc_mean:.4f}') writer.add_scalar('Acc', test_acc_mean, epoch + 1){'epoch': epoch, 'resnet_state_dict': resnet.state_dict(), 'optimizer_state_dict': optimizer.state_dict(), 'train_loss': train_loss_mean, 'test_loss': test_loss_mean, }, os.path.join(CHECKPOINT_PATH, f'{epoch + 1:04d}.pt'))