#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys import json import base64 import pprint import argparse import random import hashlib import binascii import traceback import urllib.request import urllib.parse vmscheme = "vmess://" ssscheme = "ss://" TPL = {} TPL["CLIENT"] = """ { "log": { "access": "", "error": "", "loglevel": "warning" }, "inbounds": [ ], "outbounds": [ { "protocol": "vmess", "settings": { "vnext": [ { "address": "host.host", "port": 1234, "users": [ { "email": "user@v2ray.com", "id": "", "alterId": 0, "security": "auto" } ] } ] }, "streamSettings": { "network": "tcp" }, "mux": { "enabled": true }, "tag": "proxy" }, { "protocol": "freedom", "tag": "direct", "settings": { "domainStrategy": "UseIP" } } ], "dns": null, "routing": { "domainStrategy": "AsIs", "rules": [ { "type": "field", "port": null, "inboundTag": [ "api" ], "outboundTag": "api", "ip": null, "domain": null }, { "type": "field", "port": null, "inboundTag": null, "outboundTag": "block", "ip": null, "domain": [ "geosite:category-ads-all" ] }, { "type": "field", "port": null, "inboundTag": null, "outboundTag": "direct", "ip": [ "geoip:private" ], "domain": null }, { "type": "field", "port": null, "inboundTag": null, "outboundTag": "direct", "ip": [ "geoip:cn" ], "domain": null }, { "type": "field", "port": null, "inboundTag": null, "outboundTag": "direct", "ip": null, "domain": [ "geosite:cn" ] } ] } } """ # tcpSettings TPL["http"] = """ { "header": { "type": "http", "request": { "version": "1.1", "method": "GET", "path": [ "/" ], "headers": { "Host": [ "www.cloudflare.com", "www.amazon.com" ], "User-Agent": [ "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.75 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.100 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.75 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:57.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/57.0" ], "Accept": [ "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8" ], "Accept-language": [ "zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4" ], "Accept-Encoding": [ "gzip, deflate, br" ], "Cache-Control": [ "no-cache" ], "Pragma": "no-cache" } } } } """ # kcpSettings TPL["kcp"] = """ { "mtu": 1350, "tti": 50, "uplinkCapacity": 12, "downlinkCapacity": 100, "congestion": false, "readBufferSize": 2, "writeBufferSize": 2, "header": { "type": "wechat-video" } } """ # wsSettings TPL["ws"] = """ { "connectionReuse": true, "path": "/path", "headers": { "Host": "host.host.host" } } """ # httpSettings TPL["h2"] = """ { "host": [ "host.com" ], "path": "/host" } """ TPL["quic"] = """ { "security": "none", "key": "", "header": { "type": "none" } } """ TPL["in_socks"] = """ { "tag":"socks-in", "port": 10808, "listen": "::", "protocol": "socks", "settings": { "auth": "noauth", "udp": true, "ip": "" } } """ TPL["in_http"] = """ { "tag":"http-in", "port": 8123, "listen": "::", "protocol": "http" } """ TPL["in_mt"] = """ { "tag": "mt-in", "port": 6666, "protocol": "mtproto", "settings": { "users": [ { "secret": "" } ] } } """ TPL["out_mt"] = """ { "tag": "mt-out", "protocol": "mtproto", "proxySettings": { "tag": "proxy" } } """ TPL["in_dns"] = """ { "port": 53, "tag": "dns-in", "protocol": "dokodemo-door", "settings": { "address": "", "port": 53, "network": "tcp,udp" } } """ TPL["conf_dns"] = """ { "hosts": { "geosite:category-ads": "", "domain:googleapis.cn": "googleapis.com" }, "servers": [ "", { "address": "", "domains": [ "geosite:cn" ], "port": 53 } ] } """ TPL["in_tproxy"] = """ { "tag":"tproxy-in", "port": 1080, "protocol": "dokodemo-door", "settings": { "network": "tcp,udp", "followRedirect": true }, "streamSettings": { "sockopt": { "tproxy":"tproxy" } }, "sniffing": { "enabled": true, "destOverride": [ "http", "tls" ] } } """ TPL["in_api"] = """ { "tag": "api", "port": 10085, "listen": "", "protocol": "dokodemo-door", "settings": { "address": "" } } """ TPL["out_ss"] = """ { "email": "user@ss", "address": "", "method": "", "ota": false, "password": "", "port": 0 } """ def parseLink(link): if link.startswith(ssscheme): return parseSs(link) elif link.startswith(vmscheme): return parseVmess(link) else: print("ERROR: This script supports only vmess://(N/NG) and ss:// links") return None def parseSs(sslink): RETOBJ = { "v": "2", "ps": "", "add": "", "port": "", "id": "", "aid": "", "net": "shadowsocks", "type": "", "host": "", "path": "", "tls": "" } if sslink.startswith(ssscheme): info = sslink[len(ssscheme):] if info.rfind("#") > 0: info, _ps = info.split("#", 2) RETOBJ["ps"] = urllib.parse.unquote(_ps) if info.find("@") < 0: # old style link #paddings blen = len(info) if blen % 4 > 0: info += "=" * (4 - blen % 4) info = base64.b64decode(info).decode() atidx = info.rfind("@") method, password = info[:atidx].split(":", 2) addr, port = info[atidx+1:].split(":", 2) else: atidx = info.rfind("@") addr, port = info[atidx+1:].split(":", 2) info = info[:atidx] blen = len(info) if blen % 4 > 0: info += "=" * (4 - blen % 4) info = base64.b64decode(info).decode() method, password = info.split(":", 2) RETOBJ["add"] = addr RETOBJ["port"] = port RETOBJ["aid"] = method RETOBJ["id"] = password return RETOBJ def parseVmess(vmesslink): """ return: { "v": "2", "ps": "remark", "add": "", "port": "1024", "id": "xxx", "aid": "64", "net": "tcp", "type": "none", "host": "", "path": "", "tls": "" } """ if vmesslink.startswith(vmscheme): bs = vmesslink[len(vmscheme):] #paddings blen = len(bs) if blen % 4 > 0: bs += "=" * (4 - blen % 4) vms = base64.b64decode(bs).decode() return json.loads(vms) else: raise Exception("vmess link invalid") def load_TPL(stype): s = TPL[stype] return json.loads(s) def fill_basic(_c, _v): _outbound = _c["outbounds"][0] _vnext = _outbound["settings"]["vnext"][0] _vnext["address"] = _v["add"] _vnext["port"] = int(_v["port"]) _vnext["users"][0]["id"] = _v["id"] _vnext["users"][0]["alterId"] = int(_v["aid"]) _outbound["streamSettings"]["network"] = _v["net"] if _v["tls"] == "tls": _outbound["streamSettings"]["security"] = "tls" _outbound["streamSettings"]["tlsSettings"] = {"allowInsecure": True} return _c def fill_shadowsocks(_c, _v): _ss = load_TPL("out_ss") _ss["email"] = _v["ps"] + "@ss" _ss["address"] = _v["add"] _ss["port"] = int(_v["port"]) _ss["method"] = _v["aid"] _ss["password"] = _v["id"] _outbound = _c["outbounds"][0] _outbound["protocol"] = "shadowsocks" _outbound["settings"]["servers"] = [_ss] del _outbound["settings"]["vnext"] del _outbound["streamSettings"] del _outbound["mux"] return _c def fill_tcp_http(_c, _v): tcps = load_TPL("http") tcps["header"]["type"] = _v["type"] if _v["host"] != "": # multiple host tcps["header"]["request"]["headers"]["Host"] = _v["host"].split(",") if _v["path"] != "": tcps["header"]["request"]["path"] = [ _v["path"] ] _c["outbounds"][0]["streamSettings"]["tcpSettings"] = tcps return _c def fill_kcp(_c, _v): kcps = load_TPL("kcp") kcps["header"]["type"] = _v["type"] _c["outbounds"][0]["streamSettings"]["kcpSettings"] = kcps return _c def fill_ws(_c, _v): wss = load_TPL("ws") wss["path"] = _v["path"] wss["headers"]["Host"] = _v["host"] _c["outbounds"][0]["streamSettings"]["wsSettings"] = wss return _c def fill_h2(_c, _v): h2s = load_TPL("h2") h2s["path"] = _v["path"] h2s["host"] = [ _v["host"] ] _c["outbounds"][0]["streamSettings"]["httpSettings"] = h2s return _c def fill_quic(_c, _v): quics = load_TPL("quic") quics["header"]["type"] = _v["type"] quics["security"] = _v["host"] quics["key"] = _v["path"] _c["outbounds"][0]["streamSettings"]["quicSettings"] = quics return _c def vmess2client(_t, _v): _net = _v["net"] _type = _v["type"] if _net == "shadowsocks": return fill_shadowsocks(_t, _v) _c = fill_basic(_t, _v) if _net == "kcp": return fill_kcp(_c, _v) elif _net == "ws": return fill_ws(_c, _v) elif _net == "h2": return fill_h2(_c, _v) elif _net == "quic": return fill_quic(_c, _v) elif _net == "tcp": if _type == "http": return fill_tcp_http(_c, _v) return _c else: pprint.pprint(_v) raise Exception("this link seem invalid to the script, please report to dev.") def parse_multiple(lines): def genPath(ps, rand=False): # add random in case list "ps" share common names curdir = os.environ.get("PWD", '/tmp/') rnd = "-{}".format(random.randrange(100)) if rand else "" name = "{}{}.json".format(vc["ps"].replace("/", "_").replace(".", "-"), rnd) return os.path.join(curdir, name) for line in lines: vc = parseLink(line.strip()) if vc is None: continue if int(vc["v"]) != 2: print("Version mismatched, skiped. This script only supports version 2.") continue cc = fill_inbounds(fill_dns(vmess2client(load_TPL("CLIENT"), vc))) jsonpath = genPath(vc["ps"]) while os.path.exists(jsonpath): jsonpath = genPath(vc["ps"], True) print("Wrote: " + jsonpath) with open(jsonpath, 'w') as f: jsonDump(cc, f) def jsonDump(obj, fobj): if option.update is not None: oconf = json.load(option.update) if "outbounds" not in oconf: raise KeyError("outbounds not found in {}".format(option.update.name)) oconf["outbounds"][0] = obj["outbounds"][0] option.update.close() with open(option.update.name, 'w') as f: json.dump(oconf, f, indent=4) print("Updated") return if option.outbound: json.dump(obj["outbounds"][0], fobj, indent=4) else: json.dump(obj, fobj, indent=4) def fill_inbounds(_c): _ins = option.inbounds.split(",") for _in in _ins: _proto, _port = _in.split(":", maxsplit=1) _tplKey = "in_"+_proto if _tplKey in TPL: _inobj = load_TPL(_tplKey) if _proto == "dns": _c["dns"] = load_TPL("conf_dns") _c["routing"]["rules"].insert(0, { "type": "field", "inboundTag": ["dns-in"], "outboundTag": "dns-out" }) _c["outbounds"].append({ "protocol": "dns", "tag": "dns-out" }) elif _proto == "api": _c["api"] = { "tag": "api", "services": [ "HandlerService", "LoggerService", "StatsService" ] } _c["stats"] = {} _c["policy"] = { "levels": { "0": { "statsUserUplink": True, "statsUserDownlink": True }}, "system": { "statsInboundUplink": True, "statsInboundDownlink": True } } _c["routing"]["rules"].insert(0, { "type": "field", "inboundTag": ["api"], "outboundTag": "api" }) elif _proto == "mt": mtinfo = _port.split(":", maxsplit=1) if len(mtinfo) == 2: _port, _secret = mtinfo else: _secret = hashlib.md5(str(random.random()).encode()).hexdigest() _inobj["settings"]["users"][0]["secret"] = _secret _c["outbounds"].append(load_TPL("out_mt")) _c["routing"]["rules"].insert(0, { "type": "field", "inboundTag": ["mt-in"], "outboundTag": "mt-out" }) _inobj["port"] = int(_port) _c["inbounds"].append(_inobj) else: print("Error Inbound: " + _in) return _c def fill_dns(_c): if option.localdns != "": dns = { "address": option.localdns, "port": 53, "domains": ["geosite:cn"] } ## 当某个 DNS 服务器指定的域名列表匹配了当前要查询的域名,V2Ray 会优先使用这个 ## DNS 服务器进行查询,否则按从上往下的顺序进行查询。 ## _c["dns"]["servers"].insert(1, dns) ## 若要使 DNS 服务生效,需要配置路由功能中的 domainStrategy。 _c["routing"]["domainStrategy"] = "IPOnDemand" return _c def read_subscribe(sub_url): print("Reading from subscribe ...") headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.3'} req =urllib.request.Request(url=sub_url,headers=headers) with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response: _subs = response.read() return base64.b64decode(_subs + b'=' * (-len(_subs) % 4)).decode().splitlines() def select_multiple(lines): vmesses = [] for _v in lines: _vinfo = parseLink(_v) if _vinfo is not None: vmesses.append({ "ps": "[{ps}] {add}:{port}/{net}".format(**_vinfo), "vm": _v }) print("Found {} items.".format(len(vmesses))) for i, item in enumerate(vmesses): print("[{}] - {}".format(i+1, item["ps"])) print() if not sys.stdin.isatty() and os.path.exists('/dev/tty'): sys.stdin.close() sys.stdin = open('/dev/tty', 'r') if sys.stdin.isatty(): sel = input("Choose >>> ") idx = int(sel) - 1 elif int(option.select) > -1: idx = int(option.select) - 1 else: raise Exception("Current session cant open a tty to select. Specify the index to --select argument.") item = vmesses[idx]["vm"] ln = parseLink(item) if ln is None: return cc = fill_inbounds(fill_dns(vmess2client(load_TPL("CLIENT"), ln))) jsonDump(cc, option.output) def detect_stdin(): if sys.stdin.isatty(): return None stdindata = sys.stdin.read() option.subscribe = "-" try: missing_padding = len(stdindata) % 4 if missing_padding != 0: stdindata += '='* (4 - missing_padding) lines = base64.b64decode(stdindata).decode().splitlines() return lines except (binascii.Error, UnicodeDecodeError): return stdindata.splitlines() if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="vmess2json convert vmess link to client json config.") parser.add_argument('--parse_all', action="store_true", default=False, help="parse all vmess:// lines (or base64 encoded) from stdin and write each into .json files") parser.add_argument('--subscribe', action="store", default="", help="read from a subscribe url, display a menu to choose nodes") parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=argparse.FileType('w'), default=sys.stdout, help="write to file. default to stdout") parser.add_argument('-u', '--update', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help="update a config.json, changes only the first outbound object.") parser.add_argument('--outbound', action="store_true", default=False, help="output the outbound object only.") parser.add_argument('--inbounds', action="store", default="socks:1080,http:8123", help="include inbounds objects, default: \"socks:1080,http:8123\". Available proto: socks,http,dns,mt,tproxy . " "For mtproto with custom password: mt:7788:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") parser.add_argument('--localdns', action="store", default="", help="use domestic DNS server for geosite:cn list domains.") parser.add_argument('vmess', nargs='?', help="A vmess:// link. If absent, reads a line from stdin.") option = parser.parse_args() stdin_data = detect_stdin() if option.parse_all and stdin_data is not None: parse_multiple(stdin_data) sys.exit(0) # if stdin can be base64 decoded, subscribe from stdin is implicted. if len(option.subscribe) > 0: try: if stdin_data is None: select_multiple(read_subscribe(option.subscribe)) else: select_multiple(stdin_data) except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): print("Bye.") except: traceback.print_exc() finally: sys.exit(0) if option.vmess is None and stdin_data is None: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) vmess = option.vmess if option.vmess is not None else stdin_data[0] vc = parseLink(vmess.strip()) if vc is None: sys.exit(1) cc = fill_inbounds(fill_dns(vmess2client(load_TPL("CLIENT"), vc))) jsonDump(cc, option.output)